Our Sectional Sofa is a combination of ultra-Chic & Luxury. High quality Cotton Upholstery designed and fabricated by some of the best & largest upholstery makers of our country – DDecor and Sarom, is used to provide long life and lasting comfort.
Strong and vibrant, our sectional Sofa is an understated and chic foundation piece. Designed with parallel arms, it’s intuitively comfortable—plop into the cushy seat and your arm falls in the perfect position. Upholstery seaming is done in a way to keep it looking tailored and trim. Available in handsome and over 20 colors of DDecor, Sarom or similar quality fabrics. With lux luxury look, our Sofas come with cushions of vibrant colors to enhance the environmental effect and your comfort.
These sofas come in standard dimensions but we can accommodate small customizations as per your requirements.
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